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Digital Health Lockers & PHR Apps – A step towards Universal Healthcare

for HealthyBytes

Can you name a few reasons why we make money? Many people would say that the reasons for making money are all about having more things, feeling more secure and being able to live a comfortable life. It is true that wealth can help us buy many material comforts but what if your health is not in good shape? Health is afterall your greatest wealth and asset that needs utmost attention and care. 

Monitoring Health Starts with Organizing Your Health Documents

Doctors are masters of statistical analysis. Understanding patterns of the human body to give an accurate diagnosis is a data intensive job. That’s why most doctors ask us to get a plethora of tests done and maintain a chart of our symptoms everytime we go for a health checkup. The data and the trend is what can help them understand what care to give you and how to get you to your best possible health. While most of us don’t realize it, keeping this data safe and handy ensures that your health is best taken care of by your providers, doctors and caretakers. 

That’s where Driefcase journey begins. Driefcase started with a simple thought: patients and doctors take care of health, not health records which leads to a serious information gap, not only between the doctor and the patient, but also other stakeholders involved in your care such as insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and the Government. DRiefcase helps to bridge the information divide in healthcare by helping patients take control of their health by digitizing their health records and keeping them safe in Driefcase Health Locker & PHR App. Driefcase PHR platform also allows you to safely share your records with relevant stakeholders in a matter of seconds. So you are always prepared in case of emergencies and have access to your and your family’s health data on your fingertips.

Read how digitizing health records helped improve patient care  (Link to case studies)

Healthcare delivery is rapidly changing. With telemedicine, online pharmacies and virtual wellness models – the healthcare industry is adapting to a new digital age, and digital personal health records managers like Driefcase are enabling secure and easy movement of electronic health records (ehr) between patients and providers.

 In consonance with the current times and in alignment with the universal health care mission, the government of India has prioritized digitization of health via multiple programs. 

Driefcase Health Locker is India’s first PHR App & Health Locker integrated with the government’s Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission. As a part of ABDM health mission  the National Health Association (NHA) has opened up a universal health id for all also known as ABHA (Ayushman Bharat Health Account). This allows customers to create their ABDM Health IDs and connect their and their family’s health with the digital health ecosystem enabling users to instantly and securely access, upload, share and manage all their health records in one place, eliminating the risk of loss or misuse and also brings in financial and operational efficiencies as the users don’t have to keep spending money on new tests every time they visit a doctor. 

Driefcase PHR App & Locker is your one stop health hub for you and your family. It’s completely secure and a simple way to share your health records across healthcare providers, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and physicians. You can add unlimited records to your Driefcase including X-rays, MRI’s, sonograms etc. for a lifetime and for free. And, finding a record is as easy as click, type & search so you are always ready to take control of your health. 

Take Control of your Health with Digitization

We truly believe that, whatever you do to take care of yourself will have a direct, positive effect on your wealth and overall well-being. Whether it is  eating a healthy diet and exercising; or  taking time to  rest  Monitoring your health needs to be a part of your  daily personal wellness regimen and Driefcase that complements and supports just that, so you can achieve your health goals and take care of your family’s health too. This will not only ensure that your health needs are understood holistically and well taken care of when the need arises but also helps you ensure good care for your family members anytime from anywhere in times of emergencies. Welcome to the new paradigm of universal healthcare.