Tips to Boost Your Child’s Immune System
Tips to Boost Your Child’s Immune System Parents generally strive to keep their children healthy and secure. One critical part of guaranteeing their well-being is boosting their immune system that keeps them safe from illnesses and infections. While there is no magic pill to instantly boost immunity, there are some home remedies to increase a […]
How To Deal With Obesity In Infants
Childhood or infant obesity is increasingly one of the complex health problems in children today. Some of the known causes of obesity in infants are actually similar to those that cause obesity to adults including personal behaviors such as dietary patterns, physical activity, medication use among others and the genetic ones. The society also contributes […]
Coloring Is Just For Kids – Says Who?
Tired? Stressed? Feeling Over-burdened? Need to meditate? Try coloring! Art therapy is increasingly considered as one of the most effective forms of therapy, with colouring books giving you access to nourishment and replenishment for your mind without making much effort. Experts in all aspects of wellness – from medical researchers to yoga practitioners – even […]
Help Your Child Deal Better with Teasing
Teasing or being teased has always been an inevitable part of one’s childhood journey. In a milder form, it is often considered to be a form of playful social exchange and can help promote acceptance and humility. It also helps children adapt to constructive criticism. However, not all teasing is friendly, and it can often […]