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Simple and Healthy New Year’s Resolution Ideas

A new year often signifies a fresh start. When it’s about setting health goals, it’s usually to lose weight, stick to a healthy diet and start an exercise routine. But since most of these health resolutions are restrictive and unsustainable, it’s easy for most of us to break these resolutions in just a few weeks. The only way to change this is to set realistic goals that can be followed. Here are a few such health goals you can start with…

1. Begin with eating more whole foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and fish. They contain nutrients that your body needs to function at an optimal level.

2. Sitting for hours at a stretch can have negative effects on your health. ‘Sit less and move more’ should be your resolution for the year. If yours is a desk job, make it a habit to get up and walk every hour for 5 minutes.

3. Cutting back on sugary drinks is another good resolution to begin with. Sweetened beverages are linked to an increased risk of obesity, fatty liver, heart disease and insulin resistance. If you can’t quit, start with minimizing your intake.

4. It’s a fact that sleep deprivation can lead to certain health issues like weight gain, heart disease and depression. Reducing screen time before bed, cutting back on caffeine and sticking to a sleep schedule are some simple ways to improve sleep hygiene.

5. Instead of spending on a gym membership at the beginning of the year when you know you wouldn’t be able to make it a lasting habit, it’s better to find a physical activity that you enjoy so it’s easier for you to stick to your fitness resolution.

6. Take some time out from your busy schedule for yourself, as it’s great for your mental health and wellbeing. Make it a habit to engage in self-care by either going for a morning or evening walk, preparing a healthy meal for yourself, getting an extra hour of sleep etc, joining a yoga or dance class, etc.
